It is a special feeling when you are gathered with friends, decked out in your sports team's colors! School spirit is an essential, important part of the scholastic experience. 

When the opportunity arises, facility improvements will enhance the school spirit vibe. When you are planning your facility updates, often customers tend to include new turf fields, bleachers, press boxes, and ticket booths in the overall budget plan

At Austin Mohawk, we specialize in developing custom press boxes and ticket booths. We are a national leader in providing products that become staple pieces to complete your athletic complexs’ renovations and improvements.  

Our press boxes are available in multiple style options to fit your requirements and needs. We offer elevated press boxes meant to be freestanding behind the bleachers and standard press boxes designed to sit on the bleachers. If you want a press box that sits on top of a concession stand – we can do that too!

Customization can include:

  • Camera Decks
  • Catwalks 
  • Extended Canopies 

We have no bounds when it comes to our press boxes – our design team loves to get creative!

Our ticket booths are available in different design options, too! You can start with a very simple mobile booth or create an alternative aesthetically pleasing ticket booth that is bound in place. The design can utilize a brick veneer or match your facility if that is what you desire.

Customization can include:

  • Number of Entrances
  • Window Tint
  • Speak Thrus 
  • Pass-Through Drawers 

Our design team can serve as a valuable product line resource for your facility project. We continue to lead in renovation and improvements for all athletic facilities. If you want to explore any of these options, reach out to us to take the first step in your project!

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