• Group 9 Created with Sketch.

    Problems and Solutions


    I don’t know what size building I need, I just know what it has to include.


    We specialize in pre engineered buildings to meet your specific needs. Just tell us the area you have available and what it needs to include, and we’ll lay out the building to meet code requirements and your wish list items. HVAC, counters, sliding windows, electric outlets, restrooms—you tell us!

  • Group 9 Created with Sketch.

    Problems and Solutions


    Our existing building/shelter was damaged. Can you repair?


    It depends on the extent of the damage, but in many cases the modular design of our buildings and shelter do allow for easy repair of minor damage.

  • Group 9 Created with Sketch.

    Problems and Solutions


    We need a building quickly to keep our business in operation. Can you help?


    We specialize in prefabricated solutions for modern convenience store design. We understand that downtime means loss of revenue and customers. We’re able to recommend layouts to best fit your needs and, once scope is determined, we’ll have you up and running in 90 days or less. A made-to-order convenience store will show up right on your doorstep.

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