One of the common questions we hear when receiving a call from potential customers is “Can you quote me directly?” Depending on the location of your business & the site, that answer differs.

We, Austin Mohawk, and our total support team (sales, engineering & production) along with our long-standing relationships with our Petroleum Distributors, provide the best teamwork & service for our Petroleum customers. We know how important our distributor network is that we work hand in hand with and more importantly, how critical to your business that teamwork is; whether it is for a single project site you have or several locations.

In general, we have distributors throughout the Northeast region that cover the following states:

Maine              Vermont           New Hampshire            Massachusetts

Rhode Island     Connecticut      New York                      New Jersey

Pennsylvania     Delaware          Maryland                      Washington DC

Maryland          Virginia             North Carolina              South Carolina


Typically, the next comments are: “Why do I need them involved?” Or “They only add to your pricing that’s why I want to go direct.”

Petroleum Distributors offer a great resource of product knowledge needed to assist in making your choices in not only canopy design details/layouts but also all the other products that you want to incorporate into your location. They have the resources to meet with you and determine your specific needs either new sites in development or upgrades to your existing site. Distributors typically are a one-stop shop for all your gas station & petroleum equipment supplies.

Keep in mind that just like your latest computer or phone, technology is changing quickly, and this industry is no exception. The salespeople at our distributors have a vast knowledge of the latest technology, industry trends and meeting client preferences. As a team, we work hand in hand to incorporate the Canopy to best suit the pump layout, site plan and Corporate imaging or unbranded station that you require.

As a team, we ensure that the products you purchase meet your specific requirements, coordinate scheduling of the materials and ensure successful quality completion of your canopy. 

In this ever-changing industry with fueling station chains getting larger every year the need for quality, timely customer service remains unchanged.

Please contact us to discuss your specific canopy needs and to find a Petroleum Equipment Distributor in your area today!

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